Week 3 – Exploring TRY

  • Week 3 – Exploring TRY

    Posted by Chris on September 22, 2024 at 9:30 am

    We finally got to explore TRY and what a fun session it was!

    • We talked about the value of trying things in low fidelity and low cost ways.
    • Wayne shared how he tried the new system for colorectal screening to see how it would work for patients.
    • Sarah and Dan pointed out that “pilot projects” are NOT really a test – they are fully baked “solutions” with a limited release. There is often little that can be done to iterate the solution.
    • Grace spoke of how trying things is a way to reduce risk and is a helpful framing for much of her work now.
    • Erik shared an interesting & clear problem-solving/idea-trying framework he is working on with his staff.
    • Chris shared that trying things always leads to insight and more meaningful engagement with colleagues. Why isn’t it used more often?
    • We lamented that prototype and testing is simply not a mindset or skill set that organizations have. The lost opportunity and wasted money due to failed launches is significant.

    Replay: https://vimeo.com/1011763963?share=copy#t=0

    Chris replied 1 week, 2 days ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Erik

    September 23, 2024 at 7:34 am

    Hi Dan, Caralee, Chris, Grace, Sarah, and Wayne!

    It was great seeing everybody after such a long time away.

    Thanks so much for letting me share my work on Friday! It was really helpful.

    Annoyingly I wrote a long post giving context for this project, but accidentally deleted it. 😐 Maybe it’s for the best!

    TLDR: I’m working with colleagues at our health centers on how we can do outreach to patients about Open Door’s pharmacy services.

    Here is the Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVLc52tRY=/?share_link_id=840350739434
    Password: Abundant

    I am very grateful for any feedback or advice you can share.

    • Chris

      September 29, 2024 at 7:26 am

      It was great to see you, Erik! And of course you bring the thoughtfulness and the goods! 🙂

      I’ll take a look at the miro again and provide any new feedback I have.

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